
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Moving to Korea!!

Okay so it's been two years since I've blogged, my bad. Since Sexy got orders for Korea, I will be blogging about Korea.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Okay, so it's been a little over 6 months since I've posted on this blog and let me just say that time has flown by like no other. Since I've last posted (January) and since I am out of school and nursing school, I decided to get back into doing the things which I love and enjoy. I started sewing, getting back into shape, took that vacation that our little family oh so needed, and most importantly taking care of my family!
I started sewing a few years ago. My first dress was a puletaha (two-piece formal dress) that was sewn for me and my daughter to wear on Mother's day.

School kept me pretty busy, so I stopped sewing for a while. Last year my husband bought me a Janome sewing machine, it's such a small sewing machine (which I love) but it is so very durable for its size. I didn't want to buy a cheap sewing machine because I didn't want it breaking down on me and I didn't want to buy a too expensive one because I'm not that professional of a sewer, but this machine is a beast!! It was less than $600, strong like the professional ones and yet easy to use for first-timers. I first used the machine to sew a dress for my daughter, and afterwards I never touched that sewing machine again.

I am now sewing again! I sewed a black dress for my aunt who was here 2 month ago, but unfortunately I do not have a picture. I also sewed a dress for myself, but boy were those measurements wrong, so I made it for my sister instead. 

I have already picked out the fabrics that I will be using for the next puletaha that I plan to make and here it is...

I haven't started on it because I am trying to learn the proper way of making a skirt (not just wrapping the elastic band around the waist). It's taking me a while because I also started working out which is what I wish to talk about next.

Last year before my husband left for Iraq, we made some goals in the beginning of that year to get back into shape and lose weight. I started being serious when my husband left. I ran 3x a week and lifted weights 3x a week (taking Sundays off). I started my workouts on March and by the ending of July I had lost 20lbs (some may say that 4 months is too long to lose 20lbs. but I say, "zip it because that is the healthy way to lose weight and to keep it off."). *Just a tip* if you're losing too much weight, you're doing way too much cardio which means you are losing muscle! Cut down on the cardio and focus on weights. Trust me, you don't want to lose muscle.

Nursing school came along, slowly and surely the weight was creeping up on me like those creepy crawlers. Late study, vending machines, eating out, and sleeping late was what I did. I felt the weight coming, but I kept telling myself, "I'll start working out tomorrow." With nursing school, there is no time for anything (for me at least). By the end of the year I had gained back almost all the weight, if not more. 

I am working out again!! And this time I am doing it with my sister. We're doing lots of different workouts, something that won't bore her so easily. We do a spin class, firm fit class, strength training class, we had a personal trainer for 2wks. (it was all we could afford), and we run. My sister goes running in the evenings at a track on Fort Hood and I go running early in the morning at a track near our house where no one is in sight. If for some reason I can't make it to any of those classes, I just lift weights in our garage.

The workouts that I've mentioned are classes that are free for military families, so we take advantage of those classes. I've taken some freaky before and after pics on January, March, and June, but I'm waiting for my husbands permission before I can show you those pics. In the meantime, this is what I have....

My goal is to get down to 140lbs, let me remind you that I am 5'4. You can easily see the weight on me when I am gaining because I am so short. I've got about 9 more lbs. to lose, but I'm in no rush. As long as I keep at it. Since January my sister has lost 45lbs. I would show some before and after pics of her, but I don't think she will appreciate that. Our vacation to Hawaii put a few pounds on me, but nothing too drastic and I wish to speak about that next.

My husband had another 30 day leave because he had some extra leave days that he had to use or lose, and this time we decided to take this vacation to Hawaii then Samoa. We decided to drive to Travis AFB, located in California and take a free hop (military flight) to Hawaii. It was much cheaper and it gave us a chance to visit my husbands siblings on our way there, all for the price of one.

 We drove through New Mexico, then stopped by Tucson, AZ which is where I served my mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We stopped by Phoenix to visit my sister-in-law, then we stopped in Cali to visit daddy's 2 brothers and one sister. From there we drove to San Fran and flew out to Hawaii. Unfortunately we did not get any seats to Samoa, so we stayed in Hawaii the whole time, cruising the island, visiting friends and families, and just enjoying our family time together. 

In California

 Our flight to Hawaii; a family laying on the floor, actually we were all laying on the floor

lunch time, our check in bags 

 our lunch box filled with sandwich, chips, soda, juice, fruit, and vegs

"Umbrella Use For Registered Hotel Guest Only"

relxin under the umbrella haha!

 the view from the umbrella

 another view

so beautiful


 more hiking

We came to PCC (Polynesian Culture Center) just so I can eat this

fishes at Ala Moana

 near Makaha

Our hotel (just kidding)

dis how you krack the kokonut


Going back to Texas, pointing to Samoa, Tonga, and Texas!

Our family vacation was so nice and relaxing. It was definitely a much needed vacation. After our trip and eating all the grinds it was time to kick back into gear and start working out again. 

Taking time off from school and giving my time to my husband and daughter is definitely something that I have been taking advantage of. I've decided to take a whole year off from school, and if we are blessed with another child, it won't be a while till I return back to school. School is always there, but raising your child is only done once- SO DO IT RIGHT!

Until next time may the forces be with you! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Okay, so the fall semester is obviously over and it looks like I will no longer be in the ADN program. I failed 2 classes, which sucks a@@. Not sure when I am planning on going back to school, but I do know that a little break is all I need to get my motor running again. I've actually decided to go for my BSN (Bachelors in Nursing), in either Utah or Texas. How I've decided to hop from ADN to BSN? I do not know, but it will be accomplished! In the meantime this blog will be updated with what I plan on doing during my little break; cooking dinner everyday for my poor husband and little girl, start sewing again, and begin working out. Once I decide to return back to school, I will continue to pursue in my nursing degree and I will continue to blog about nursing school. Goodluck to all you nursing students.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


It's been a while, but I'm back and ready for another update with nursing school. Let's see first of all my Health Assessment and Nursing Skills class are done and I can proudly say that I passed both of them. Now that those two classes are done and over with, I just have Pharmacology and Foundations to focus on. Those who passed Health Assessment and Nursing Skills can move on to Clinicals at the nursing home. I've been assigned to a nursing home in Copperas Cove and so far so good. Clinical days for me are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0700-1400, seems long but you will find many things to do to keep you busy. From 0730 clients are eating breakfast and it usually takes my client an hour and a half to eat, so by the time we leave for breakfast its already time for lunch. For lunch while waiting for their food, I sit and play the piano (yes they have a nice old piano in the dinning room) for everyone while they're sitting and waiting for lunch to be served. They all seem to enjoy it, so I'm glad that I can do something that makes everyone happy. By the time lunch is over, it's time for all of us students to meet up with our instructor and talk about the day. Clinicals is good, we always have some kind of a paper work to turn in everyday but it's not that bad at all.
Foundations isn't going so well at all, I've already taken 2 exams and I haven't passed either of them. I have one more and a final and trust me I will pass both of them. Pharmacology is going well for me, so I'm happy about that.
We have about 5 more weeks, then it's over for the semester. I can't wait because my husband will be home soon in the next 2 wks. so I am very excited about that. All in all school is going good so I'm very happy. Happy studying :) weluvU Daddy!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Okay, talk about busy. Since nursing school started, I've had exam after exam every effin week for the past 5 weeks. We take an exams every week because the classes are 8 wks long. I can't even begin to explain to you how hectic the past few weeks have been. I go to sleep at 0100 and I get up at 0500, just to read and re-read the assignments until it has become instilled in my brain. It has been crazy, but thank goodness those weekly exams are done and over with.
Health Assessment exams were tough, I thought I did good on my first exam and that was a lie (however, I did pass). The second exam was what really killed me, I scored a 60%. I got my exam back and was so upset at myself, I even thought about looking into doing something else. I'm glad that I didn't let one little lousy exam grade get to me and affect my grades for the other exams. Anywho, I scored sky high on my 3r and 4th exam and I am happy to say that I am passing the class. We have our comprehensive final exam on the 18th of Oct.
Nursing Skills exams weren't that bad. I didn't pass the 1st exam, I scored a 74%. Little stupid mistakes, but I made up for it and scored sky high on my 2nd exam. We have our comprehensive final exam on the 17th of Oct.
Need I remind you that all the exams need to average to a 75% before any other points will be added to that. If you do not pass Health Assessment and Nursing Skills, you do not get to go to clinicals, which means you do not pass the class, which means you will be a semester behind while everyone else moves on to 2nd semester, which means strike 1 (strike 3 and they kick you out of the nursing program).
Once I pass the finals comprehensive exam, I'm clear to go to clinicals. The only class that I will then have to focus on will be Foundations to Nursing and Pharmacology. My clinicals will be held in Copperas Cove (thank goodness, because others are sent to Temple, or Gatesville). We will be in nursing homes, but I think once you get into 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester you will start going to the hospital settings. I'm excited and I can't wait. This past weekend was my first free weekend, and I did nothing but enjoy the freedom. I'm so happy and relieved all those weekly exams are out of the way. Now I need to work on my powerpoint presentation, happy studying! weluvU Daddy!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I can't believe we're already going into our third week of the nursing program. So far so good. First week was a bit confusing and to tell you the truth, I'm still confused with everything. We had an assembly where all nursing students and paramedics (1-4 semster students) got together to meet all the staffs. We also got a chance to go through the "clinic" classroom sites and that was nice. A few of those manikin actually scared me hahaha! It will be fun that's for sure. We were also broken up and divided into 2 groups, group 1 will come to the labs in the mornings and group 2 will be in the afternoon. We also received our nursing bag filled with syringes, needles, insulin, IV bags, medical scissors, stethoscope, blood pressure cuffs, and a bunch of other things. We also did our first assignment of hand hygiene check off, with only 3 tries. We went over sterile gloves, and uniform, how to put them on and how to remove them. The nursing classes seem long, but with all the hands on that we do it makes the time go by fast.

Second week, we started going into the chapters and went into the "clinical" classroom sites and that was a lot fun. I took pictures, then realized I wasn't supposed to be taking any pictures at all. I also remembered that they do record everything they see and hear in the clinics (great). Anyways hopefully when I go to class tomorrow, I won't get into any trouble for takings pics and acting retarded.

The nursing classes I am taking are Foundations to Nursing, Health Assessment, and Nursing skills. 3 classes, along with 3 labs that come with it. I like the teachers, not bad. I gotta stay focused with everything and not procrastinate. It is a blessing that I made it into the nursing program, so I gotta give it my best and do my best :) Happy studying! weluvU Daddy!

Monday, August 29, 2011

First day of nursing school_1

Okay, so today was my first day of nursing school and it was pretty crazy for the most part. I've been so nervous last week about starting nursing school, but I'm glad that things were put to ease when my husband gave me a blessing. I am currently taking Pharmacology, Foundations/Nursing, Nursing Skills, and Health Assessment. Nursing skills and Health Assessment will be a 8wk. course, then the last 8wks. will be our clinicals which begins in October. The instructors seem real nice and I'm looking forward to working with them for the next 16 wks.

We got to meet all the faculties again and we were also divided into lab groups, I think the clinical groups will be divided later and I hope I get Killeen/Cove. I'm excited for all of this and very grateful to be where I am at today. I better start getting things organized and do some reading right about now. weluvU Daddy!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Okay I'm back, and all my classes are finally over with. Microbiology went well, but as for Pharmacology I would have to retake it in the fall which sucks big time. I have a good two and a half weeks off before Fall semester starts. I'm so happy that class is over and done with and I'm so looking forward to enjoying these next couple weeks off. My husband will also be here soon for his R&R, so I'm now getting this cleaned up and ready for him to get here. Excited and looking forward to seeing him soon :) Good day and enjoy your break while you can. weluvU Daddy

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Okay, it's been 3wks. since I've last written in this blog. Life just has its way of changing things, for the good and for the bad. The good thing is that I've come to accept it, and I know that no matter what, I should always expect the unexpected and be prepared. I've also learned that my trials can strengthen me and mold me into a better person, a better person that I have never known before. With that being said, I am grateful and I am humbled that I can continue moving forward and living life with all that it has to offer to me and still have the people whom I love the most, my husband, and my daughter.

Now, with my nursing classes. I have about 3wks. till my Microbiology and Pharmacology class will be over with. I have a test for Microbiology on Monday (18th of July) and will have 3 more test every Monday after that. My Pharmacology class is killing me right now, remember how I said that I am always falling behind with my on-line classes? Well, it has come to that. I'm not that far behind, I just want to be ahead that's all. It's crazy!! I have a calculation assignment due tomorrow for Pharmacology and my sister will be helping me out with that today (if she's not pretending to be busy).

What's motivating me now, to keep moving and not slacking (besides the fact that I need these classes for nursing) is my husband. After both of my classes are done with, he will be home from Iraq for his RnR. I'll have a good 2 wks. to worry about him and not the books. My daughter and I have waited too long, and we are more than excited to see him. Lots to do, in so little time.

I've got a Microbiology exam to prepare for and I need to start hitting the books now. weluvU Daddy!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Okay I just got back from taking my 1st Exam for pharmacology. Need I remind you that there were 75 questions and it was covered over 15 chapters. I got a 77%, and I was so happy. Not the best, but damn some of the answers all sounded like they were correct but you had to choose the "BEST" answer. Anywho, I'm glad that's over with and now to go over the next 15 chapters. Happy Studying. weluvU Daddy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I know it's been a while, but sorry about it. I have been trying to complete the rest of my checklist for nursing school and it is safe to say that everything has been completed. I went in today and got my drug test result and turned it into the nursing building along with my physical examination papers. Everything is complete, I'm healthy and I'm ready to begin school in the fall.

Pharmacology is going well, I'm taking my exam tomorrow (debating whether to take it tomorrow or next week Wed). We'll see, I've been slacking a little with that. Microbiology will be starting soon and I gotta drive an hour away for that class. My friend and I will carpool, so that will make things a little better and easier for the both of us.

I was seriously thinking of going to Utah to get my teeth fixed, but I found a good dentist here in TX who will get my teeth looking nice and sharp. I have an appt. next week Tuesday (28th June) for that, so I'm very excited. I asked him if he could fix everything before the middle of August because my Sexy will be home for his R&R and I wanna be smiling and looking good with my pearly whites.  I took my daughter to the clinic to get her immunizations done for school, but I was told to make an appt with my PCP and that they will complete everything there. Her appointment will be next week Monday (27th June). Mom, dad, and I were thinking of going to my brothers graduation in KY for his completion of air assault school, but I think they're having second thoughts about that.

I'm taking my last test (out of the 15) before I start reviewing for my first exam. I thought I'd write in my blog before I begin that since its been a while since I've last written in here. Anywho, let me get my study on. Happy studying! weluvU Daddy

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Okay, it's been a few days since I've written in my little blog.  I can just see myself not writing on this blog once the fall semester arrives, but I will do my best to keep this updated for myself and for others who are interested in nursing school. There are blogs of nursing students that have been written in and never written in ever again, and I hope this blog wont be one of them.

This pharmacology class has been taking up most of my time, remember how I said that I got 40 tests that needs to be done? Well so far I've gotten at least 10 of them out of the way (30 more to go). There are also 3 discussions that needs to be done. Our teacher would have some kind of article for us to read, or a question in the textbook and we would have to answer them. We'd post our answers on the discussion board for our classmates to read and comment on them. I've completed one of the discussion (which isn't due till the ending of this month), but I'm glad I got that out of the way so I can focus on finishing the fifty million tests that I gotta do.

There are also 2 calculation assignments that need to be completed. I wish my sister was here to help me with that. I just need some good tips to figure out these dang doses for medications. The teacher said when you're in the hospital they have the computer doing all the calculations, but we need to know how it is done (of course). She said all the computers in a hospital where she worked had all shut down, and the doctors had no idea how to calculate the dosage hahaha! Of course, the nurses had to show the doctor how its done! I would've been like, "move out of the way scrub!" hahaha!

There are 3 exams that I mentioned before and one of them begins next week Friday (24th June). I don't know what it is about those proctored testing centers, but I hate it. I believe there will be 75 questions on the first 15 chapters and each question will be worth 1 pt.  I hope I do well on those exams. Some of the questions are either right or wrong and others are "choose the best" answers.  That's where your critical thinking skills are needed. I actually hate those "choose the best" answers, but I actually do really good on them.

That's my update with Pharmacology, so far so good. I hope all continues to go well and I hope to get an "A." Let me get back to finishing up my tests. I'm trying my best not to stay up late to finish my school assignments (although I know it will be impossible), but I seriously need to sleep when its time to sleep or else my brain will not do its function. Good day and happy studying for all you students out there. weluvU Daddy!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hey everyone,thought I'd do something random and answer a few random questions. Here goes:

Do you like to shop? Who doesn't

How often do you go online? Everyday

Something or someone you miss the most from childhood? Hanging out with all my cousins

Are you usually late, early or right on time? Early

Are you happy with your life for the most part right now? Life couldn't get any better

You can have one of the following two things: trust/love? Trust!! Being trusted is better than to be loved

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Africa

Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend? Most definitely

Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? This is the stupidest question ever, curse you if you don't

Are you old fashioned? Yes, I think I am

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before? Never loved before hahaha

Whats your middle name? Alicesachiko (yes, I'm part Japanese)

How big is your bed? I thought you said how big is your head hahaha! It's a King size

What music are you listening to right now? Yo Gabba Gabba

What was the last thing you ate? Keke

Who was the last person you hugged? 
My daughter

How is the weather right now? Nice and sunny

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Sexy husband (he's in Iraq)

Do you drink? We need to drink to survive, water of course

Your favorite holiday? Christmas, everyone always seem so happy

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? Never, I'm hardcore like that

Have you ever truly loved someone? I am married, that should tell you something

Who would you like to see right now? My husband, he's been gone for 5 months and will be gone for a year

Have you ever fired a gun? M9, M16, M25, BB gun, come on who hasn't?

Do you like to travel by plane? Only way I prefer to travel

Are you Right-handed or Left-handed? Left

If you could go to any place right now where would you go? Fiji

Are you missing someone? My husband

Do you have a tattoo? not really

Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? i do it everyday

Did you grow up here? I grew up everywhere

Where have you lived? Hawaii, Tonga, Kansas, Germany, Korea, Iraq, Utah, Texas

Which are your favorite bands or singers? Lucky Dube

What school activities do you or did you participate in? All my bestfriends were in some kind of activity, except me

Where were you born? Kahuku, Hawaii

Do you have any siblings? yes, 9 total

What jobs do your parents do? father retired army, stay at home mom

What did you call your grandparents? gelenma

What were your childhood pets? I had a hamster named Fulda when he died I named the next one Fulda

Which do you prefer - Coke or Pepsi? PEPSI, my favorite

Which color do you like the most? Green my favorite, but I prefer to wear black or white

If you had a lot of money, where would we go on vacation? Samoa, to meet my father-in-law

What are your major goals in life? Make my family happy :D

When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Cry

Where do you live? Killeen,TX

Do you work? Full-time student

What do you like to do in your free time? laying on the bed and just being with my family

Have any bad habits? saying something rude, then later on regretting it

Describe yourself in 3 words. easy going, happy, grumpy,

What do you most appreciate in life? the moment

Are you mostly a clean or messy person? I can be messy at times, but I really like to have things clean and in order.

List 5 goals on your life’s to-do list? learn to cook a lot of different dishes, finish school, eating healthy, less processed foods, continue making my family happy

Name 1 regret you have? breaking my parents heart

What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? Clean the car

What`s your favorite song of all time? I've got you babe (dedicated to my husband, gets me movin' all the time).

If you won 10 million dollars, what would you do? Give some for my family and some to my in-laws

Are you hot? Hot like lava!! My husband says I am, so I must be

Do you workout? I've hit my 30's, so I need to and yes I do. I accomplished my goal and lost 20lbs and I hope to maintain this weight

What workouts do you prefer? Weights, I only do weights and I like to run

Share a fact? The sun is really a star (bet you didn't know that)

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hello hello again! Just wanted to say that Richie boy paid for my Assessment book before he left for the airport to go back to Ft. Campbell-"Thanks Richie." That is one book that I can cross off my list. As for the rest of my books, I need to save up my financial aid and VA money to buy the rest of it. Pharmacology is going well, right now I'm going through Emergency and Preparedness and its taking me forever to finish up my test on that one (the good thing is we don't get timed). However, we will have  a total of 3 exams and 1 comprehensive final exam. So far so good, but then again class did start 3 days ago. Let me get back to the books.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hello again, it's just me the "nursing_student" again. I've been busy with my Pharmacology class and I've been trying to stay ahead of the game and finish as much of the online tests as possible. Can you believe it, I have to complete 40 tests (more like quizzes) by the end of this 8wk. course. I'm doing good so far. Right now, I'm not in the mood of doing anything. A lot of things are going through my mind right now, but of course my main goal to complete my nursing degree so I gotta stay focused. My daughter who will be 5 will be going to kindergarden in Aug. and I'm so happy and so sad at the same time (but I guess you get used to it). Anyways I go in tomorrow to check up on my TB test that I got done on Tuesday morning. I still have my drug test to do, but I'm not sure if my Tricare insurance will pay for that. If Tricare won't pay for it, then I guess I gotta wait until pay day to get that done. I need to get it done though, so I can at least get the time that I want for the classes that I need to take. The sooner the better. I hope to update you with something more exciting, but for now NOTHING is exciting :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Today I am still recovering from my sisters graduation which was yesterday. It was a long day indeed. She was covered up with leis that were brought all the way from Hawaii from friends and families, and I ain't talking about no candy leis either. I also ain't talking about no cheap Hawaiian leis that can be stringed with   cheap flower. These leis cost money, and you definitely have to be special to wear them. I can't wait to be covered up in leis 2 years from now.

Anyways today I started my online Pharmacology class, which ends in August. I am going to try my best to stay ahead of the schedule and not to fall behind (I have a tendency of always falling behind with on-line classes).  I took this course 2 semesters ago and had to withdrawal because of the full load I was taking at the time. Heaven knows what would've happened if I continued ("F" for "F"antastic job girl!!).

I totally forgot that tomorrow is my physical exam. check up, and I only remembered because of this blog. Oh yeah and also another thing, my brother paid for my nursing kit today which was $275. I am so very grateful for him. He's always there to give a lending hand and he always has a positive outlook on everything around him. I also tried having him pay for one of my books that was $115 compared to $200, but that didn't work. I'll have to try again tomorrow, so wish me good luck.

An important thing about today is the fact that my daddy was born on the 6th of June, although the date will be 7th of June once I submit this, so a big "Happy Birthday" to my pops! AND speaking of the 7th of June, it will be my sisters birthday, so a big Happy Birthday to her that just took off and went to Germany. AND also to my sister-in-law whose birthday was on the 5th of June. We'll be celebrating all 3 birthdays tomorrow with sugar and more sugar.
To my husband, weluvU and wemissU Daddy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

PreNursing Checklist

Okay, here are the few things that I can check off of my prenursing list:

The Acceptance letter, definitely need this one

Immunizations need to get done

See!! Thanks to the Army, I am up to date with everything

Make sure you criminals are cleared on this one (THE BLUE CARD)

This is the Peaches brand scrub

This is the Cherokee brand scrub, this one is more fitted and really accentuates your waist

I bought a total of 3 sets of scrubs, but different styles. The other scrub that I bought (not shown) is a Cherokee brand and the design on that one is similar to the Peaches brand (V-neck).

Got my name tags done the same time that I bought the scrubs

Now, the only thing left is my physical and drug test. Books have not been purchased yet, but I need to get them soon so I can start reading up on some materials and at least familiarize myself with a few things. They say once you start the program, you keep moving and don't stop moving until graduation day. Sounds tough, but its what I've been waiting for. I'm ready to sprint to the finish line!! Okay not really, let me finish up my first semester of nursing before I start talking about sprinting to the finish line. It's going to be a busy summer that's for sure!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Okay, let me start off by posting up SWEETS

I made this cake a few days ago and it was so nasty, second time around and it was still nasty (including the frosting).

This was my third attempt, but this time I used a different recipe (the cake and the frosting) and it was so good. The white frosting was my favorite.

Hello! Hello!

This blog is pretty complicated, I've been messing around with it for a few hours now. Let me keep messing with it before I start posting things up about my nursing journey and life.